
Hello everyone, and welcome to my page. I've got fanart and originals here, and even some stamps and pants i drew on. Feel free to lounge about (links to sections are to the left) and sign my guestbook at the bottom of this page that no one ever notices.

Instead of sacrificing eloquence to fit all i want to say on the main page in this little space, i'll redirect you to the updates page and hope you find what you need there.

Find more details about ANYTHING
new in the Updates section.

Last updated May 13, 2002

The point of the Page:

hm, after much discussion
i've come to the conlusion
that this site is about art.

About the Platypus:
The platypus is a very remarkable ani-
mal. I love it for it's unique features and
for the fact that it's so damn fun to draw.
For more information on these easily
respecatble animals please click on the
links below.
Tasmania Wildlife

Sorry the site is so simple! I don't have time for a
better layout! (At least it's organized and aligned)
For some reason, i like inverting my pictures~ so here! take it!

Overall, here, i'm going on the
assumption that i'm a pretty
decent artist so i'm not subje-
cting people to horrors never
ventured. ^_^;; I'm pretty enth-
usiastic about this site, and i
update VERY often so as to
keep things fresh and new. So
far, i've been filled with soft
fuzzy wigglies because peo-
ple have been visiting and the
amount of traffic coming to my
site has significantly increa-
sed. I'll feel bad if i don't put up
a lot of art for all these new-
comer (and to keep the old
ones still coming), so look for
new schtuff!
- - - Jess'ca

 Read my Guestbook!
Sign my Guestbook! Dreambook