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*~Art 4 Sale~*
Mwa hahahaha! this is my Art 4 Sale section!! This is
art i've currently got on ebay, or commissions i'm
accepting at the moment. All the pictures here are
ones that will have prints for sale or the original
itself. Click on the picture to get a link to the auction
if it's running, or if it's not, you get a larger version
of the picture. My ebay user ID is compectare_the_cutie, in which 'compectare' means 'hug' in latin. Nice little fact, there. I do a LOT of sailor moon art, but seem to be moving on~
Tamara used to love mamoru to the right, there, but now she just dies when she sees kiley (below). i, personally am a HUGE kiley lover, so~ *my devotion is more than apparant* ^_~

Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask

Rei-chan/Sailor Mars

Mako-chan/Sailor Jupiter
>original on sale 5/19<

Setsuna-san/Sailor Pluto
>print on sale 5/19 or week after<

Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
>sometime in june<
Usagi for Christmas
>print on sale on request<

Hotaru Again~

Haruka-san/Sailor Uranus
>on sale when pluto is<
Kylie Okayasu (Peach Girl)
>5/19/soon after*verysexy*
Deedlit on the Harp *very pretty*
>watercolor almost finished, then on sale<